Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More intresting books on PRP

Faking It - Mock-documentary and the subversions of factuality
by Jane Roscoe and Craig Hight

This book contains a study of mock-documentary, the history and its placement in current culture. The book questions where the boundries are for the documentaries when fiction and fact start to merge from the increasing popularity of this form.

"Documentary contains a call to action in the sense that the representations on offer not only yield infomation about the social world but can and should alter the social world. In this way documentary has attempted to align itself with what Nichols refers to as 'the discourse of soberiety'(1991:3); that is those non fictional systems such as law, science, medicine and politics that have instrumental power."

This quote comments on how documentary is used as a scientific tool to gain knowledge. Using the infomation from individuals to form a collective of knowledge to change and adapt to society.

"Both documentary and journalism are able to maintain their privileged positions because audiences continue to put faih in their professional practices and their ability to present truthful and honest accounts of the social world."

This quote comments on the standards of truth telling in society. Society has nominated truth tellers such as news readers to inform society about global and domestic issue that effect us. But the truth will always be biased and the truth modifed to fit its purpose whethter to used in journalism, education or public service. These nominated truth tellers become an "educator of masses", a provider of infomation and knowledge but lack the essential experience and emotional attactment to the issue at hand.



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