Monday, October 22, 2007

Personal Development Planning

What Is PDP?
A structure and support process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development.

Why PDP?
Dearing Review (NICHE, 1997) recommendation that institutions develop means by which students can monitor, build and reflect upon their personal development.

Benefits of PDP
-Intergrates personal and academic development, including work experience and other activities outside the cirriculum, improving capacity to plan own learning.
-Promotes reflective practice, effective monitoring and record achievement.
-Encourages learning from experience, including mistakes.
-Promotes deeper learning by increasing awareness of what students are learning, how and to what level.
-Requires explicit recognition of strengths and required improvements.
-Provides mechanism for monitoring career related capabilities to prepare for seeking professional practice and buildong confidence.
-Establish lifelong learning habits and continuing professional development.

PDP via the VLP
-PDP embraces a range of approaches to learning.
-Planning (an individual's goals and intentions for learning or achievement.)
-Doing (aligning actions to intentions.)
-Recording (thoughts, ideas, experiences, in order to understand and evidence the process and results of learning.)
-Reflection (reviewing and evaluating experinces and results of learning.)

What students are saying about the PDP framework:

"Your opportunity to plan for your future"


"It is very important... it helps me to plan my university life in the most efficient manner"

"An invaluable part of the graduate process"

"Helps you to start thinking about your personal development. How far you take it is up to the user"

"I think the personal development planner is an excellent way of logging new skills I will gain throughout my course"

source found at:


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