Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Plot Concept

Luke lives his life constantly reminded by his past. His girlfriend was murdered in a gangland shooting a month ago. Luke blames himself for the incident and is constantly haunted by the memory of that day. He lives each day searching for answers that the police, family, friends and religion cannot provide him. His quest for answers become more conflicting and confusing as reality begins to crumble as the guilt consumes him.

This concept is based around the effects of crime and how certain people deal with it. Luke feels the guilt of letting his girlfriend be put into this situation. this leads to the certain factors that effect not only his family and friends but everyone that surrounds him. His memory, a key tool of survivial and the seperation between human and animals, remind him constantly of the mistakes that have been made. But what if our memory become our own path to self destruction, a never ending torture.


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