Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Big Brother State

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Four Types of Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism

Mobileactive08: Mobiles & Citizen Media

Globalisation The Information age

This is a short clip on youtube that i havefound that state some statistics about the growth of technology and the impact it has on a global scale.

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New Media Documentary: Technology for Social Inclusion

This is a recorded lecture of new media documentary: technology for social inclusion by Sharon Daniel [Professor of Film & Digital Media, UC Santa Cruz].


Muto by Blu

This is an wall painted animation by the artist Blu. The animation is a constant moving image painted on the wall in Buenos Aires and in Baden. This type of animation was used in a recent television advert.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brass Monkey

I will be working for Brass Monkey Bar for my client project. I will be design and producing the adverts for the bar and using it a promotion for the bar. It will be used on their site.


for directions http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=brass+monkey+nottingham&fb=1&split=1&cid=0,0,509735831248072698&sa=X&oi=local_result&resnum=1&ct=image


Research for Client Project

I have looking at different styles of tutorials to gain some ideas and influences for creating my client project.


Free Business Cards

Here is a website offering free business cards. You have to pay a little extra for tax and shipping but worth it. The website also provides webpage designs and domains on trial offer. check it out at http://www.vistaprint.co.uk/vp/welcomeback.aspx?xnav=welcome


Photography Showreel

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"I'm Linux"

This is a link to a video competition for linux promoting the brand.


EEVA European Entreprenuership Video Award

This is a link to a competition for a short video. The subject is entrenuerial spirit, innovative entreprenuership or responsible entreprenuership.


Dziga Vertov - Man With A Movie Camera

Dziga Vertov is regard as an influencial, experimental and independant film maker. His collection of films echoes the realities of the Modern Soviet State. The relatively low cost of 16mm film allowed him to expand his experimentation, resulting in films comprised of acute camera angles, montage editing, split screen, fast cuts and forms of multi layering film. His most influencial piece ‘Man With A Movie Camera’, an experimentation of the documentary form addressing 'life caught unawares' as it is provoked or surprised by the presence of the camera. The film uses clips of news reels to add to the perception of reality. Vertov's films are a result of the reactions between "complex and poetic constructs of the perceived world"(d) and the concept of self-reflexivity in cinematic film. These theories and experimentations in film prepared Vertov for the introduction of sound. "By alternating the phrases with images, Vertov achieved the illusion of off-screen narration"(d) which he employed in ‘Enthusiasm, Donbass Symphony’ (1931), which became a success home and abroad. His ideas of using lighter equipment to allow accessibilty into rural parts of society, and smaller, multi skilled crews to allow greater movement, were ultimately dampened by the technological capabilities of the time. However, he did influence many, and his theories were put into practice when Direct Cinema established itself in later years.

"Thirty years after his time it became possible to apply Vertov's injunctions without any loss between the idea—to film everything, record everything, to be in life without disturbing or falsifying it—and its realisation. (Vertov had been restricted to filming public manifestations, crowds, ceremonies, etc and was unable to seize everyday life because his equipment could not pass unnoticed)."
J-L Comolli in Cahiers du cinÈma, nos 209, 211(d)

Dziga Vertov was a major contributor to the rise of Soviet Cinema. His documentary newsreel series Kino Pravda was created to deliberately act as propoganda material in order to agitate, influence and promote Socialist Realism and to experiment with concepts and ideas of documentary cinema. Vertov used his established skills of dynamic editing and montages, which carried political and social messages. The Kino Pravda series was a practical, informative and immediate medium to highlight current social, economical and political problems to the public.

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Research for Client Project

These are a few examples of different style of tutorials that show step by step guide.


The Suso Project

The suso project is a collaboration of different skills in the creative industry forming projects and gain a grant to further the idea/concept. Check it out at http://www.suso.co.uk/susology/features/the-suso-project


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More intresting books on PRP

Faking It - Mock-documentary and the subversions of factuality
by Jane Roscoe and Craig Hight

This book contains a study of mock-documentary, the history and its placement in current culture. The book questions where the boundries are for the documentaries when fiction and fact start to merge from the increasing popularity of this form.

"Documentary contains a call to action in the sense that the representations on offer not only yield infomation about the social world but can and should alter the social world. In this way documentary has attempted to align itself with what Nichols refers to as 'the discourse of soberiety'(1991:3); that is those non fictional systems such as law, science, medicine and politics that have instrumental power."

This quote comments on how documentary is used as a scientific tool to gain knowledge. Using the infomation from individuals to form a collective of knowledge to change and adapt to society.

"Both documentary and journalism are able to maintain their privileged positions because audiences continue to put faih in their professional practices and their ability to present truthful and honest accounts of the social world."

This quote comments on the standards of truth telling in society. Society has nominated truth tellers such as news readers to inform society about global and domestic issue that effect us. But the truth will always be biased and the truth modifed to fit its purpose whethter to used in journalism, education or public service. These nominated truth tellers become an "educator of masses", a provider of infomation and knowledge but lack the essential experience and emotional attactment to the issue at hand.
